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Table 3 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: The Swiss Perimenopause Study – study protocol of a longitudinal prospective study in perimenopausal women

Inclusion criteria

 • Female sex

 • Age 40 to 60 years

 • Perimenopausal status

 • Good knowledge of the German language

 • Good to excellent self-reported health condition

Exclusion criteria

 • Acute or chronic somatic disease

 • Acute or chronic mental disorder

 • Psychiatric drug use

 • Psychotropic drug use in the last 2 months

 • More than two standard units of alcoholic beverages a day

 • Pregnancy in the last 6 months

 • Current use of oral contraceptives or hormone therapy in the last 6 months

 • Postmenopausal status (no menstrual period in the last 12 months)

 • Premenopausal status (regular menstrual cycle)